Apply for Services

We are here to help.

Thank you for reaching out! Below, you will find the application in PDF and Word formats. Choose your desired format, download, and fill out the application in its entirety. Only completed applications can be considered.

Attach the completed application and its required documents to an email to us, or you may print the application, fill it out, and mail it along with copies of the required documents to the address noted on the application. You can also take pictures of each page and attach them along with your required documents to an email to us.

After we receive your completed application (with all required documents), we’ll determine whether you are a good fit for our ministry. If so, we’ll schedule an interview with you. After that, we’ll schedule a time to come to your home to complete the work needed to be done.
PDF Application.DOCX Application


Frequently Asked Questions

What is this program?

Built For Jesus is a repair or renovation program where funds and volunteer labor are used to meet the needs of a homeowner.

Who can receive assistance?

Any homeowner who demonstrates a basic need based on limited savings and income or the physical ability to make repairs.

Who coordinates the program?

The Built For Jesus Corporation.

Where does the funding come from for the program?

As a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation, Built For Jesus relies on donations and grants to provide the money and materials necessary to make the repairs.

Are all homeowners who apply guaranteed assistance?

Not necessarily. Applications are reviewed and prioritized based on repair needs and the resources available, both time and money, to make these repairs.

How does someone apply for assistance?

An application can be downloaded from the application tab, filled out, and returned via the instructions on the application. Homeowners will need to sign a waiver of liability, plus provide proof of insurance and other information to be accepted for review.