Get Involved

We appreciate the love and support of others that allows the ministry to continue to be a blessing to those who need help.


Your Generosity Matters


Other Donations



Be a Part of Making a Change

We invite you to join us through financial donations, material donations, and/or volunteering to physically help on projects. To send a financial donation, please scan the QR code to be taken to the donation page. If you would like to help in another way, please send up a message by clicking Other Donations.

Ways to Be Involved

We welcome you to partner with us. Besides financial support, we welcome prayer support, appliance and material donations, and serving as a volunteer.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who can sign up as a volunteer to help make repairs?

Anyone can help make repairs.

Are there any other opportunities to help besides making repairs?

Yes! We have folks who go and clean, provide companionship, yard work, and many other forms of ministry.

How do you sign up as a volunteer to make repairs?

Contact one of the Facebook Group administers (Don Ackerman, Terry Oliphant, or Steve Anderson) for a sign-up form. This form includes a waiver of liability that must be signed. Once registered, you will be updated on upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Contact Us

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